General information

  • Business Name: Viet-Proton Science-Technology Service and Supply Company Limited (Viproton Co. Ltd.).
  • Business Address: 11/4/238 HoangQuocViet, CoNhue 1, Bac TuLiem, HaNoi, VIETNAM.
  • Phone/Fax: 0914205756
  • Website: https://viproton.blogspot.com/
  • Email: vproton09@gmail.com
  • Business Type: Limited.
  • Total Number of Employees: <20.
  • Primary Line of Business:
  1. Design and manufacture of scientific and technological equipments.
  2. Supply, preservation of spectral and biomedical equipments
  3. Consult and provide equipment for chemical analytical and physiotherapy laboratories.
  4. Import and supply of liquefied gas (Nitrogen, Helium) for equipment with superconducting magnets.
  5. Import and supply of consumables for spectral and physiotherapy equipment.
  6. NMR and MS training and guiding
  7. Extraction and structure characterization of natural or synthetic organic compounds
  • Business Code: 0104054401.
  • Year Established: 2009.
  • Modification of Registration:  2011, 2020, 2023.
  • Director: Mrs. DANG Thi Minh Ha.
  • Technical Director: NGUYEN Tien Tai

Company Overview

In 2001, the first NMR spectrometer in Vietnam was installed at the Institute of Chemistry (ICH), Vietnam Academy for Science and Technology (VAST). Soon there were a lot of difficulties related to the specific requirements on technical service and consumables supply, such as cooling agents for  superconducting magnets, deuterated solvents, which are not yet available in Vietnam before.

With the encouragement and support of the experienced NMR experts at ICH – VAST, Viproton Co. Ltd. was born for solving the above problems.

From the first NMR spectrometer in 2001, up to now there have been 07 NMR systems in Vietnam. The NMR community in Vietnam has been established and will growing rapidly in coming years. Accordingly Viproton has become one of the leading NMR technical supporter and NMR consumable supplier in VietNam. Viproton has been and will become a companion to the VietNam NMR community.